Friday, March 10, 2017

"My Precious Mother"

by: Ronalyn Rodriguez 

 You're my ketchup on my fries, 
The one who shines bright like a diamond in my eyes 
The one that I admire the most 
And the one that I love. 

 Through the darkest side of my life 
The one that stayed by my side 
You always lift me up, 
When I always want to give up 

 I'm so blessed to have you 
And I hope that someday, I will turn it back to you 
For the love and the life that you deserve 
You're the best mom that I ever had.

Rodriguez, R. (2017).

My Precious Mother
by: Ronalyn Rodriguez

"A Friend To Hold And Cry On"

by: Acel Joy Reyes

Love was not always caught when light only spots the center,
Sometimes, it might be found when a book has started to fill in by a letter. 
And, from a single letter that floats into the sky, 
Two were met for a purpose to tie. 

These words that I am starting to express,
There has something different behind, that is precisely not an excess.
Which is a thing that forms into love from trust,
And trust which has only given to someone that'll never be part of my past. 

She's always at the present to hold and cry on,
Her deep, sweet love and caring personality makes her different from other dawn.
She got to touch my frozen heart at despair
'Cause', she's an angel that is helping me to climb the stair.

Under an old, crinkled, drab tree
We'll remain friends on its' whole journey.
Hand in hand when we walk.
You are very special in my life as folk.

Reyes, A. (2017).

by: Acel Joy Reyes
dedicated to: Kathlyn Rivero